BUILT | UNBUILT talk at the CAC Reading Room, 26 August 2016
Contemporary Art Centre (CAC) Reading Room, Vilnius (LT)
A talk in two-part open discussion "Built | Unbuilt" on yet un-accumulated archival collaboration between four interdisciplinary artists at the CAC Reading Room
UNBUILDING ARCHITECTURE talk at SSE Riga, 25 August 2016
Stockholm School of Economics, at Dizainfabria in Riga, Latvia
A double feature talk by Thomas Tsang with poet Natalie Daiz, Hodder Fellow at the Lewis Center for the Arts at Princeton and Associate Professor at Arizon State University. Invited by Fionn Dobbin, Program Director of Design Thinking, Creative Confidence & Social Business, at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga.
CONTESTED MINIATURES lecture at Tokyo Denki University, 23 June 2016
Thursday, 23 June 18:00-20:00
Tokyo Denki University | Department of Architecture. Building No. 1 ON THE 2th floor seminar room, room 1205-1206
Thomas Tsang lecture topic on "Contested Miniatures" based on recent practice and research works on art, performance, and architecture.